
Conqueror's Blade How To Get Materials

Conqueror's Blade: Tips for Crafters

Conquistador's Bract is ane of those interesting games that's managed to make me honey and hate several aspects of it at the aforementioned time.  Specifically and in the case of this article, I'm talking about crafting.   On one manus, I would really like to see more than endeavour put into the crafting organization for the game.  I'thou just non crazy about a system that effectively has the player merchandise resources with a vendor for magic results.

On the other mitt, I've come to find through playing the game that crafting is more and more than important.  Fifty-fifty one time you've unlocked a unit of measurement type, you lot withal need to purchase or arts and crafts the equipment needed to build information technology, and so you have to have to keep some of that equipment on hand to resupply the unit as it takes damage over time.  While you tin elect to pay bronze in lieu of some equipment, the cost is significant and can't be purchased at all in some cases.

Too, because collecting the needed raw material involves expeditions with troops, which takes nutrient and also costs bronze, at that place is more strategy to the resource collection than might appear at beginning.  The unlike types of resource also add boosted complexity, and of grade the quality of those different resource modify how much of the refined goods can be created from them unit of measurement-for-unit.

The internet issue is a fascinatingly complex economic organisation that rewards strategy.  For all my issues with the actual crafting arrangement, I can't complain about how that system has been fitted into the game.  I know it'southward a little complex and I haven't seen a lot in the fashion of tips for newer players, then I thought we'd have a look at crafting in Conqueror'due south Bract today.  Here are some of the primal things that I've learned that might aid yous in your own time in-game.

Rarity Matters

Pay attending to the rarity of materials, considering it matters a lot when you go to refine the raw cloth into something you can craft with.  It takes a lot more of the mutual textile than it does the rarest material to make the aforementioned amount of refined good.  If you have the pick to harvest raw material from ii equal-distant points, choose the rarer of the two.

Distance Matters

Speaking of altitude, spend some time strategically planning out your run for whatever material you're in need of.  Look at the map and see if you can collect multiple types of textile in one run, and rest that against the rarity of the material.  You're probably ameliorate off going a longer distance for just i actually rare material than you would be going to get two or more common materials.  Of grade, 2 or more rare materials on one trip is even better.

Haematite is the best iron to mine because you lot'll get more unit-for-unit when refining it.

Boots Cost Money

Okay, old Army joke aside, food really does toll money.  Program your trips and so that every bit much of it as possible is inside a friendly region so your troops don't consume the food.   Once you do move into hostile territory, keep an heart on your food situation.  Also, know how much it costs to buy nutrient or harvest more, and so you'll know what the actual toll of the trip is.  Compare that against the quality of gathered fabric for a better idea of whether it was worth the trip or not.

Use Inns and Farms

Stop at inns or swing by a farm to restock on your nutrient supplies.  It'll cost a piffling extra statuary, simply it'll extend the range of your expedition significantly.  I affair to check is to ensure your intended source of food is actually supplied.   Mouse over information technology first.  Otherwise, you might march your men deep into hostile territory and find yourself of a sudden without supplies.

Supply on Demand

If you're able, one affair you may consider is spending the extra bronze to harvest fields for food.  I'yard non sure that I'd burn a requisition token for it, but I'd definitely burn the bronze.  Loading food in your wagon allows you lot to resupply your ground forces on the march.  But click the wheat icon in the bottom left and next to the nutrient bar.  This is a not bad way to extend the range of your army.  Information technology's also cheaper than ownership nutrient at an inn to resupply.

You could supplant the weapons with coins at a steep price, but you take to have the horses on manus to create the Coutiliers, so money doesn't solve all problems.

Speed is Life

Pay attention to your army's speed every bit yous ready your trek into the open earth.  Cavalry units are great for speed when you desire to ambush other players, but at that place are drawbacks that we'll embrace next.  1 specific case where I use a cavalry-based ground forces is when I'one thousand running effectually looking for wagons, huts, and other loot-able points that randomly pop up.  Not only does the cavalry make it faster to get to these loot opportunities, simply it as well allows me to travel farther on less food, which maximizes my trip out into the open world.

Labor party

Cavalry has speed, but information technology doesn't have labor.  Labor matters a lot.  I did an experiment using a unit of cavalry with 2.iii labor to harvest 623 cotton from a nearby subcontract.  A full army of infantry with 26.96 labor harvested 9,534 cotton, xvi flax, and 8 hemp from the same farm a piddling afterwards.  Of course, they only had a few minutes of nutrient when I marched them out there.

Loyalty Pays

Some other manner to extend the range of your gathering is to join a house which is also in a good alliance.  If the house/alliance has captured additional fiefs, and so you can travel there without called-for food but like you can in the starting area.  You also don't pay the additional tariffs when gathering sans requisitions, which allows you to harvest each point i actress time a day at the same cost.  The more area an alliance controls, the more resources yous'll take access to at the discounted rate and without the need to burn down nutrient.

Craft Your Stuff

Craft your own arms and armor when you lot can.  In fact, do it as frequently every bit you lot tin can, even if yous already accept that piece of equipment.  There are 2 reasons to practice this.  Get-go, you'll want multiple sets of armor so that you can swap it around depending on the weapons you decide to apply at any given fourth dimension to compliment the new playstyle.  In the 2d place, the bonuses you get each time you craft a new item is random, then there's the deviation in rarity which is too random.  This ways the actual stats of each piece are so randomized that it'south worth cranking out new ones occasionally just to run across if you can find something that's a footling amend than what you lot have.  Since the materials aren't used for creating units, y'all're not hurting yourself there, either.

College rarity gear has bonuses to boosted attributes, and which y'all get and which get bonuses are all random.

I promise some of my fellow crafters found this a little useful.  The more I dig into the economy of Conqueror's Blade, the more I experience similar there may be more hither than you see on the surface.  Information technology's still missing some of the complexities that I'd like to see, and they don't do a dandy task of really explaining a lot of the what they do have, just it is a deeper system than I'd initially believed.  I'd also like for information technology to be a fiddling easier to participate in the economy.

While I definitely appreciate games with steep learning curves and barriers to entry that serve more or less to bulldoze off the gold-farmers and those who might impact early economic components earlier dropping out of the game entirely, I call up the game would be well-served by just a little work on the crafting.  As it is, I worry that besides many are being turned off prematurely and that they're losing some of the players that might otherwise have really contributed to the stability of the game in the long-term.

That's why I thought I'd write this article.  With these few tips, I'm hoping some of those who enjoy playing with in-game economies as much as I do will stay around to experiment a bit more than.  Whether it'll be plenty to maintain the player population in the long term or not is a big question, though.  Guess nosotros'll merely take to wait and see.


Scarlet Thomas

A veteran of the U.s.a. Regular army, raging geek, and gorging gamer, Red Thomas is that cool uncle all the kids in the family like to spend their summers with. Crimson lives in San Antonio with his wife where he runs his company and works with the city government to promote geek civilisation.


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